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Congleton Community Solar hits first Milestone: £200,000 Raised in the Share Offer.

Congleton Community Solar, renowned for its commitment to renewable energy and community-driven initiatives, is delighted to announce a significant milestone in its latest venture. The community-owned and operated Congleton Solar project has successfully raised over £200,000 in its ongoing share offer campaign, marking a substantial step toward its ambitious goal of £530,000.

Building on the success of their Havannah Weir Hydro-electric plant Congleton Hydro and the recently launched Congleton Community Solar project, the dedicated team, continues to lead the way in fostering a sustainable future for the local community.

This achievement showcases the immense support and dedication of individuals and organisations alike, who share a common vision of harnessing renewable energy for the benefit of Congleton, Cheshire, and North Staffordshire.

By investing in Congleton Solar, shareholders are not only contributing to the expansion of clean energy sources but also securing a 5% annual interest on their investment, repayable over 15 years. This investment opportunity has resonated with the community, demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainability and community-driven projects.

With £200,000 already secured, Congleton Community Solar is well on its way to reaching the £530,000 target required to complete construction and initiate operations. The community is rallying behind this promising initiative, emphasising the shared commitment to reducing carbon emissions and supporting local schools and businesses.

Join the Movement:

Congleton Hydro invites everyone to be a part of this transformative movement toward sustainable energy. By joining the share offer, you'll play a vital role in shaping a greener future for our community. Investment starts from £100 up to a maximum of £50,000.

Your can download the full share offer at, you can also join an online webinar on the 28th September via zoom, link to register can be found on the website above.

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