Don't let your guard down warns Cheshire East Council
Cheshire East Council is warning residents and businesses to not let their guard down as Covid-19 cases rise following the relaxing of step 3 restrictions last month.
The increase is mainly affecting those residents in the 10 to 39 age group and the council is continuing to support schools, hospitality venues and housing associations across the borough and particularly in the most affected areas.
Dr Matt Tyrer, director of public health at Cheshire East Council (pictured), said: “Unfortunately after the easing of lockdown restrictions on 17 May, and some residents dropping their guard, we are now seeing a worrying increase in positive Covid-19 cases right across the borough, typically of the Delta (Indian) variant of concern.
“We are not asking residents to change their behaviour, but to continue to adhere to the guidance of hands, space, face and fresh air and to get tested regularly, even if they have had one or both vaccinations.
“For parents or carers of children and young people still attending school after the half term break this is even more important. I am urging all parents to continue to do the right thing and if their child feels unwell or begins to display any symptoms of Covid-19, to keep them off school and to get tested as soon as possible.
Councillor Jill Rhodes, Cheshire East Council adults and health committee chair, said: “Faced with the prospect of restrictions ending in a few weeks, now is not the time for any of us to stop doing all of those things which have so far kept us safe throughout the pandemic.
“Wearing a mask indoors, washing our hands, keeping 2m apart and choosing to meet in outdoor spaces are steps each of us can easily take.
“If you are offered the vaccination, I would strongly urge you to accept it and do the right thing for yourself and for Cheshire East. It’s in our hands if we want to return to normal but for the next few weeks, we have to adhere to the guidance”.
The council has a range of testing options for residents including local testing sites in Crewe or Macclesfield whether you have symptoms or not, the deployment of mobile testing units, or residents can collect home-testing kits from the swab squad teams. More information on all of these options, can be found by visiting the council's testing pages.