Festive changes to bin collections

The last day of garden waste collections before Christmas will be on Tuesday 21 December. Garden waste collections resume on Tuesday 4 January, 2022.
Other changes will only affect households that have their household waste or recycling collections on a Monday or a Tuesday.
There will be no recycling or black bin collections on Monday 27 December (Christmas Bank Holiday), Tuesday 28 December (Boxing Day Bank Holiday) or Monday 3 January, 2022 (New Year’s Day Bank Holiday)
If your black bin was due for collection on Monday 27 December, it will now be collected on Thursday 23 December
If your silver bin was due for collection on Monday 27 December, it will now be collected on Wednesday 22 December
If your black bin was due for collection on Tuesday 28 December, it will now be collected on Wednesday 29 December
If your silver bin was due for collection on Tuesday 28 December, it will now be collected on Friday 24 December
If your black bin was due for collection on Monday 3 January, it will now be collected on Friday 31 December
If your silver bin was due for collection on Monday 3 January, it will now be collected on Thursday 30 December
Ensure your bin is out for 6.30am on all collection days.
Local household waste and recycling centres will continue to stay open (except for Christmas Day) to accept garden waste and any excess household waste.
See our garden waste page for details of christmas tree collections.