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First wave of shared prosperity grants now open

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council is inviting applications for the first grants and funding opportunities to be made available from the £3.4m UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The two-year programme aims to increase life chances for residents and help to build pride in place based on three investment priorities:

  • Communities and place

  • Supporting local business

  • People and skills

The funding will be allocated via grants, direct Council spend and procurement - and the first two grant schemes have now been launched:

  • Small feasibility Study Grants - £42,600 is available for feasibility studies which result in the development of new or enhanced projects

  • Cultural arts and heritage events – around £5,000 per event is available to voluntary and community organisations and town and parish councils to support local events over the next two years

Councillor Keith Flunder, Cabinet member with responsibility for regeneration and business support, said: “I’m delighted that we’re now able to start making this funding available and would encourage eligible businesses and groups to get their applications in as soon as possible.

“I look forward to seeing the ideas and events that come forward and to getting this funding to the people that will use it to make a difference.

“These are just the first two funding opportunities that we’ll be launching over the next two years so look out for future announcements.”

The deadline for applications for the cultural arts and heritage events grant is 17 March. Applications for the small feasibility study grants need to be made by 31 March and the studies must be commissioned and completed by 31 May.

Briefing sessions where people can find out more about the UKSPF and these first two funding opportunities are taking place next month:

  • Leek – 3.30pm on 8 March at Moorlands House.

  • Cheadle – 3.30pm on 13 March in the Town Council chamber

  • Biddulph – 3.30pm on 15 March at Biddulph Town Hall

The Council is also keen to better understand what culture means to our residents as it looks to develop a cultural strategy for the Moorlands.

Arts and culture workshops are also taking place on the same dates as the UKSPF events where people can share their views and hear more about the work already taking place including the OUTSIDE programme.

These workshops will take place from 5pm to 7pm at Moorlands House in Leek; at the Guildhall in Cheadle; and at Biddulph Town Hall.

Councillor Flunder added: “The UKSPF briefing will be useful to anyone considering applying for the funding and I’d encourage people to book a place at one of the events.

“We also want to work collaboratively on the arts and culture strategy so it’s important that we hear from people across the Moorlands about what this means to them, what they would like to see provided and any barriers that prevent them from getting involved. That’s why we’ve taken the opportunity to run these workshops alongside the SPF ones and I look forward to hearing what people have to say.”

The Town Clerks are taking bookings for these events. If you wish to attend the Leek briefings email; for Cheadle contact; and for Biddulph email

Similar sessions have also been organised for parish assembly members who have already received an invitation so don’t need to book.

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