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Churnet sound news

Clean Air Day, the UK’s largest campaign on air pollution is happening on Thursday 15 June 2023. This year’s theme“Clean up our air to look after your mind” brings together communities, businesses, schools and the health sector to raise awareness of air pollution and inspire people to take simple steps to make a change.

This Clean Air Day, Congleton Town Council are encouraging residents and businesses to make small changes to help cut down the town’s air pollution. Congleton Town Mayor, Cllr Rob Moreton said “Cleaning up our air is good for us in many ways, it not only benefits our physical health and the environment but can also protect our mental and brain health.Any reductions in air pollution that we make will lead to health improvements for our families and our local community. But it’s not the responsibility of one group, organisation, business or country. It is something that we all have to be conscious of in our everyday lives. By all acting together on the same day there are lots of actions that we can take for a cleaner air future.”

Volunteers headed by Barry Speed from the town council’s Green Working Group will be out and about on the 15 June measuring the town’s air quality at various locations. They will be handing out leaflets to raise awareness and offering practical advice to residents. Look out for them at:

8am-9am​​Quinta School

9.10am-9.40am​​Tesco Express, West Road

9.50am-10.20am​Shell Petrol Station, Clayton Bypass

10.30am-11am​​Rood Hill traffic lights

11.10am-11.40am​Lower Heath opposite Dane Bank Avenue

11.50am-12.20pm​Rood Hill, Fish & Chip Shop

12.30pm-1pm​​Mill Street (top of steps from Princess St Car Park)

1.10pm-1.40pm​​West Street

2pm-4pm​​Stall in the Pedestrian Area

Clean Air Day coincides with the Great Big Green Week (10-18 June). The UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. As a finale to the Big Green Week, people are being encouraged to help at a Big Planting Day on Saturday 17 June near Parnell Square where new community allotments are being planted by the Bromley Bloomers. The group is hoping that plenty of hands will make light work between 11am – 3pm. All equipment and plants are provided and the scheme is being paid for as part of the Landshare Airbnb for Gardens scheme, Plus Dane and the Bell group.

Congleton Plant Swap & Gardening for Wildlife are also hosting a Plant Swap on the same day (Saturday 17 June), 10am-12pm at Parnell Square, Bromley Farm. Bring along plants, seedlings, seeds, shrubs, trees etc. Everything is free to swap. Donations welcome to the Baddeley Green Hedgehog Rescue Centre. The active group organises four swap events per year and has an active Facebook page where members share ideas, seeds and advice.

For more information on how to get involved in the Green campaigns visit:

Clean Air Hub:

Great Big Green Week:

Congleton Town Council:

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91 St Johns Road, Biddulph

Copyright Churnet Sound 2024
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