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Karen Bradley MP Column 03.10.22

As many of you know, pupils at many of our local schools and also some of our Moorlands based charities have provided me with some absolutely fantastic artwork over the years for my office window.  

I have therefore decided to hold a Christmas Window Artwork competition for my Christmas 2022 window display.

The competition is open to children aged 11 and under who live in Staffordshire Moorlands and the theme is “Christmas in the Moorlands”.

I have sent out letters to local schools inviting them to take part but if you are not sure that your school is participating and your child would like to submit a design, please feel free to send the photo to me anyway.

Designs can be painted, drawn, coloured, made with tinsel, cotton wool, buttons, glitter – anything goes as long as it is Christmassy and depicts the Moorlands.

The winning design together with other entries, will form part of my Christmas office window display and will also go on my Facebook page and my website. Entries for the competition should be emailed as a photo to

Please include the full name, age and school of the entrant as well as a parent’s name, address and phone number with written consent for the photo to be displayed in my office window as well as on social media and in the press.

The closing date for entries is Friday 28th October. Entries will be judged by Councillor Paul Roberts at the end of October and the winner will be announced shortly afterwards.

In the past I held an NHS worker thank you card competition and Christmas card competitions and have always been amazed at the amount of talent we have here in the Moorlands. I look forward to receiving lots of lovely Christmas designs.

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