Leek Moorlands hospital could reopen in June

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council’s Heath overview & scrutiny panel meeting in March 3rd 2021 were updated on the situation regarding Leek Moorlands Hospital’s minor injuries unit temporary closure.
Neil Carr, Chief executive of the midlands partnership NHS foundation trust updated the councillors at the meeting on the closure and the develop of the integrated care hub
The unit was closed to allow the hospital to be ready for use if required during the coronavirus pandemic.
In the update provided to the councillors they were told that as long as the governments roadmap to remove restrictions the Minor injuries unit could reopen by the 21st of June.
The plan to reopen the hospital on this date relied on some local milestones being met which include being able to reopen minor injuries facilities at Royal Stoke University Hospital and that the Haywood walk in centre was able to revert back to pre covid opening hours.