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Litter-pick your way fit

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council have reminded us all that their Pick-Fit initiative is still open to all residents. You will receive a FREE Pick-fit pack and in return for collecting litter, not only will you help the environment, but also you can earn a FREE week at the leisure centre to use the gym or swimming pool.

Litter-picking is not only a great way to give back to your community by helping to keep your area clean, but it is also a great way to become active.

-Improve physical fitness

-Boost mental health and wellbeing

-Help keep your local environment clean

-Meet others in your community -Benefits wildlife Join Pick-Fit for free today and litter-pick your way fit!

Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of heart disease, burn calories to lose weight and it can even improve your mental wellbeing. Pick-Fit offers you the chance to get fit while going out on regular litter-picks. You can also earn yourself one free week at the leisure centre to use the gym or pool (as an individual) or one free swim (for a family of 5).

By signing up, you will receive a Pick-Fit pack to help you get started. This will include:

  • A litter-picker

  • Bin bags

  • Hi-Vis Vest

  • Gloves

  • Pick-Fit guidebook

After your litter-pick, you will need to provide us with a photo of you collected waste and the location where you have left the bag so we can collect it. We will then send you your free voucher to the leisure centre.

If you are already part of community litter-picking group, please get in touch with your existing contact with the council who will undertake Pick-Fit registration.

For further info click HERE

To watch a video click HERE

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