Project to upgrade county’s street lights underway

A project to update thousands of Staffordshire street lights that will use less energy and save money is underway. Staffordshire County Council is replacing 47,000 conventional bulbs with LED lighting after taking out an interest-free loan to fund the project. The loan for the project will be repaid by the estimated £1.6 million-a-year savings from using less energy. The work is being carried out with partner E-on and is expected to be completed by March 2025. Engineers hope to be able to replace around 1,150 lights per month. David Williams, Staffordshire County Council’s Cabinet member for Highways and Transport, said: “This is an important project that not only pays for itself but will continue to save taxpayers money for the next 25 years. “The new LED lights are much more energy efficient than the old halogen ones and meet all the necessary safety standards. The programme is being rolled out countywide and will target those streets that will benefit from more energy efficient lighting.” Julia Jessel, Cabinet Member for Environment, Infrastructure and Climate Change at Staffordshire County Council added: “Climate change is a huge issue that impacts all of us, both now and in the future. It is vital we take steps now to tackle it and its effects, so we can all look forward to a greener future for the county. “We need to reach carbon-neutral status by 2050, and this is one of the projects that will help us achieve this, helping reduce CO2 emissions by as much as 2,650 tonnes per annum. “Achieving our net-zero vision means we can enhance the quality of life and well-being for our residents, provide a sustainable economy for businesses, and leave a positive legacy for future generations.”