Staffordshire granddad left with “shark attack” arm injuries after falling from attic

A North Staffordshire granddad was rushed to Royal Stoke University Hospital by ambulance after falling from his attic and suffering injuries to his arm likened to a “shark attack”.
Jim Clarke, 71, of Newcastle-under-Lyme, will feature in the latest episode of 999: Critical Condition when it returns following a two week break to Channel 5 on Wednesday (19 July).
Today Jim said: “I called down from the attic asking my wife if she had got hold of the ladder and I thought I heard her say yes but I misheard and thought I could fly! I fell badly and landed on top of the ladder. At the time I didn’t realise how much damage I had done to my arm and elbow because the pain was coming from my lungs and hips. I told my wife to just put a sticky plaster on it!”
Jim, who has three children and three grandchildren, was rushed to the major trauma centre at Royal Stoke where doctors were concerned about the open fracture in his arm.
In the episode, Dr Anthony Taylor, trauma team leader, is heard describing the injury to his arm as that similar to a shark attack. He says: “You look like you’ve been bitten by a shark really.” He adds that he concerned about infection in the open wound which could be life threatening.
Jim said: “I cannot fault the care I received from the NHS, from both the paramedics to the staff at Stoke. I had five star care and treatment from all of them and cannot thank them enough.”
A former family support worker, Jim is now back working as a bike driving instructor which he has done for 18 years. “I had to lay off riding the bike for a while as my elbow healed. I got plenty of TLC but am pleased to be back on the bike and back working,” he added.
Also in this Wednesday’s episode Matthew is rushed in after a horrific high-speed collision between his motorbike and a tractor; Donna is facing a mammoth 12 hour procedure to remove a brain tumour and farmer John suffers a horrific bowel injury after being kicked by a cow.