Update on Omicron variant and new Government measures:

Welcome to our latest COVID-19 information update.
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It's a great way to keep up to date with the latest guidance and support measures available to contain the virus in Cheshire East.

Update on Omicron variant and new Government measures:
Temporary and precautionary government measures to prevent the spread of the new COVID-19 Omicron variant in the UK came into effect from today.
Face coverings are now mandatory (unless individuals are exempt) in shops and on public transport along with other settings such as banks, post offices and hairdressers.
All travellers returning to the UK will require PCR testing, and they will need to take a PCR test on or before day 2 and self isolate until they have received a negative test result. These PCR tests can be purchased from private providers. Free NHS tests are not valid for this purpose.
See the Prime Minister's announcement of these measures here and Government news announcement here.
Latest case rates in Cheshire East:
Our latest local COVID-19 figures as of 24 November, show that there was a total of 1535 cases in the previous 7 days and the rate of COVID-19 positive cases in Cheshire East is now 397 per 100,000 population. The average rate per 100,000 population in England stands at 436 cases.
COVID hospitalisations remain a concern as we enter the flu and 'winter bugs' season.
These case rates show that COVID is still with us, and it’s in all our hands to look after each other by staying COVID-safe. This involves simple safety measures such as:
Getting all vaccinations you are eligible for, when you can
Take a quick lateral flow test before going to any organised event or high risk place
Remember hands, face, space – wearing a mask in busy and crowded spaces
Stay at home if you have any symptoms, or feel unwell, or test positive.
For the latest information and advice on COVID-19 testing, vaccinations and self-isolation support, visit: www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/covid-19.
Vaccinations update:
More than 50.9 million people have now received a first dose of a vaccine and over 46.3 million people have now had their second vaccination, with a further 17.8 million people having had their booster vaccine, as of 24 November.
In Cheshire East 85% and 79.3% of residents over the age of 12 have had their first and second vaccinations, respectively. Nationally 88.4% and 80.4% of the population have had their first and second doses. Keep up to date with the latest vaccination programme news in Cheshire East on our COVID-19 vaccine webpage.
COVID-19 vaccination - who's eligible and how to get your jab
Anyone aged 16 or over can arrange their vaccination appointment online or by calling 119.
16 and 17 year olds are now eligible for a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Book at:COVID-19 vaccination booking
The NHS is offering a first COVID-19 vaccine dose to children and young people aged 12 to 15 years, the timing of a second dose will be confirmed later. Only those at a greater risk of serious illness if they catch COVID-19 will need two doses of vaccine, 8 weeks apart. COVID-19 vaccination guide for eligible children and young people aged 12 to 15.
If you're eligible for a COVID-19 vaccination or a booster dose and you've had a positive COVID-19 test, you need to wait 4 weeks (28 days) before getting a COVID-19 vaccination or booster dose. This starts from the date you had symptoms, or the date of the positive test if you did not have any symptoms.
Cheshire East vaccination clinics
At Middlewich Victoria Hall, Civic Way, Middlewich, CW10 9AT.
Thursday 2 December (2pm-7pm) - Pfizer and AstraZeneca (1st, 2nd and booster)
NOTE: Bookable appointments are also available at Middlewich Victoria Hall but only by contacting your GP practice or by emailing smash.bookings@nhs.net in advance for eligible (clinically vulnerable children) aged 12-15 requiring a first vaccine and eligible immunosuppressed patients requiring a third vaccine (not the booster vaccine) 8 weeks after their second doses. Booster vaccinations are available at least 6 months after the second dose (or third dose in the case of immunosuppressed patients).
Vaccinating housebound residents:
Vaccination teams are now visiting local residents classed as "housebound" to offer them the COVID-19 booster jab. This programme is being coordinated centrally across Cheshire by the NHS and the aim is to ensure that all housebound residents across Cheshire have been offered their booster by December 19th 2021.
Latest videos and information guides about COVID vaccines:
Video: Watch our coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine guidance video
Guide: Download our latest vaccine guidance document
Video: Dr. Sinead Clarke, Cheshire GP vaccine encouragement video
UPDATE: Omicron and expansion of booster vaccine:
The Department for Health and Social Care announced yesterday that it is expanding and accelerating the #COVID19 vaccination programme following new advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) in order to broaden protection against this new COVID variant. This new advice means that everyone 18 and over will be offered their booster vaccine by the end of January 2022.
Anyone 18 and above is advised to wait to be contacted by the NHS about their booster vaccine.
Find out more at: COVID vaccination booster programme expanded to all adults.
Please see the following section for details of who the booster vaccine is currently being given to.
If you have already been contacted about your booster, you can book your booster online at the link below.
Book at: NHS Covid Booster booking link.
Winter Flu vaccine:
There are two essential vaccines that you may need this winter – flu and COVID-19 booster. Vaccines are the best way to protect yourself, friends and family from dangerous viruses. Find out if you’re eligible now at: Flu vaccine - NHS (www.nhs.uk).
Cheshire NHS - self-care help and resources:
The COVID pandemic has brought into focus the need for self-care and Cheshire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) have recently launched a webpage and information aiming to highlight the importance of ‘self-care’ and to help give people the confidence and information to look after themselves when they can, and only visit the GP when they need to.
In many cases people can take care of their minor ailments, reducing the number of GP consultations and enabling GPs to focus on caring for higher risk patients, the very young and elderly, managing long-term conditions and providing new services. It is also hoped that this will serve to reduce some of the anticipated winter pressures on health services.
There is a range of ideas, information and suggestions on Self care - Cheshire CCG including how to ensure your medicines cabinet is well-stocked for under £10.
Find out more at: Self-care to help yourself and the NHS - Cheshire CCG
Testing update:
We continue to provide a range of testing options across the borough, which include:
Two local PCR test sites at Crewe and Macclesfield – if you have symptoms you can make an appointment at the website: book a local PCR test online to attend the Crewe or Macclesfield site any day Monday – Sunday between 8am – 8pm.
Regular lateral flow test sites at the following places / days / times:
Crewe Alexandra Football Club, Gresty Road, Crewe CW2 6EB, (LFT), Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm
Salvation Army Church, Roe Street, Macclesfield. SK11 6UT, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9am - 4pm (LFT)
Macclesfield Conservative Club, West Bank Road, Macclesfield. SK10 3BT, Tuesday and Friday, 9am - 4pm (LFT)
Mobile Testing Sites we have two types of mobile testing vehicles, where you can either get a regular, rapid lateral flow test at our pop-up mobile testing vehicles across Cheshire East if you have no symptoms. Alternatively, if you have symptoms you can get a PCR test at mobile sites at sites in Knutsford, Prestbury, Macclesfield and Congleton, Monday to Friday.
Order lateral flow test kits online to take at home – simply order your free kits at: order home test kits online most test kits usually arrive within one day of order.
Workplace Testing: Our testing team (Swab Squad) have recently been carrying out tests with a large local food manufacturer, carrying out high volume testing. Any employers wishing to set up workplace testing programmes should email the our testing team at: LFT@cheshireeast.gov.uk
Full information on where to get tested or to pick up home testing kits is available at: www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/covid-testing. You can also follow our dedicated testing team on twitter who post daily testing locations around the borough. Follow our Swab Squad on Twitter at: @CEC_SwabSquad.
Latest News:
30/11/2021 - Council leaders urge residents to ‘do the right thing’ with new Covid threat
23/11/2021 - Cheshire East Council advises residents to support Christmas events with COVID safety in mind
23/11/2021 - Say 'hi' to your high street' and shop local this Christmas
Useful links:
For all local information, go to: www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/covid19
For regular news and updates about this new service and other local testing facilities available, follow the Swab Squad on their Twitter page
For full details about our testing facilities for both asymptomatic and symptomatic testing visit our web page
Cheshire East Council self-isolation support and guidance.
Cheshire East Council COVID-19 Support for Business page.
Advice for businesses on: working safely during COVID-19
Cabinet Office national guidance on: how to stay safe and help prevent the spread
For the latest government guidance on coronavirus, visit www.gov.uk/coronavirus
For the latest government data and insights on coronavirus, visit https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk
Working safely guidance - assets for Business: Business Assets - Coronavirus Resource centre (phe.gov.uk)
Disclaimer – the guidance and advice included in this email was correct as of 30 November 2021. Any changes that occur between these update COVID-19 newsletters will be shared on our website at www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/covid19 and on the Cheshire East Council Facebook and Twitter accounts. You can also follow the latest lateral flow testing news on our dedicated Swab Squad Twitter account at @CEC_SwabSquad Further help and support Experiencing COVID-19 symptoms? Book a test Links to mental health resources: Be kind to your mind Every mind matters Stay alive app