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An update from Leek Mayor, Lyn Swindlehurst

Although I’m sure it came as a surprise to no one, it was still sad to hear about the need to continue the present Covid restrictions for at least another four weeks. A reminder that the virus is still very much a part of all our lives. Leek, in particular, has been at the centre of the fight against the Delta variant and we can all be proud of the way we have pulled together to supress the spread. Staffordshire’s Director of Public Health, Dr Richard Harling, has been outstanding in coordinating vaccination and testing initiatives but, as always, the people of Leek have more than stepped up to the mark. Volunteering for local sites, as well as distributing test kits as part of the town’s ‘surge testing’ scheme. Hopefully, we will soon start to see good results from all this hard work and a further opening up of the town can take place . In the meantime we need to continue to keep ourselves, and others, as safe as possible.

It was an honour to be asked to open the newly refurbished Leek United Building Society offices. A part of the town’s landscape since 1863, contributing thousands of pounds to worthy causes every year.

I also had the opportunity to go along with Bill Lomas, our Town Crier, in order to visit a very special initiative in the town. Leek Weddings, based in the Town Yard, are able to offer wedding ceremonies, and the chance to renew vows, to those who are dealing with the challenges of terminal illness. There is no charge due to the incredible kindness of individual and business donations.

Although there are no parades at present, the Royal British Legion continue to honour those who have fallen, through private wreath laying events. These occur regularly throughout the year, and it is customary for the Mayor to join them in laying a wreath on behalf of the Town Council. June 14th saw the commemoration of the end of the Falklands War.

The first two centenaries of the town’s war memorials occur in 2021. Firstly in March, the memorial in St Edwards church yard, and then the Ball Haye Green Memorial the following November. Plans are starting to take shape for a proper recognition of these important events. It’s also good to see The Friends of The Nicholson War Memorial re starting their tours of this extraordinary building.

If you feel I can help you in anyway please do not hesitate to get in touch with either myself or our Town Clerk. Full details on our Town Council website.


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