Our roving reporters were at the Biddulph Christmas Light Switch On. It was a great event.
The opening of the event was started by John Robinson and the Mayor of Biddulph Councillor Jim Garvey declaring the event open and Churnet Sound Radio were providing the music etc.,
This followed by the dance groups Scane Dance, Tribe Dance and Staged dancing in front of the a large crowd giving a demonstrations of dance by their talented dancers. The market stalls were very busy, the fairground rides etc., were in full swing and there was a great crowd. There was a stall where you could make decoration, glitter tattoos, and make a gingerbread. Also there were various food stalls in the High Street.
At 5.45pm the countdown started to the lights by Town Crier John Robinson the lights being switched on by the Mayor of Biddulph Councillor Jim Garvey, and his Mayoress Mrs Sue Garvey, and the Deputy Mayor Councillor Chris R Perkins and his Mayoress Harriet Perkins. The switch on happened at 6pm followed shortly by Biddulph Rotary Club and Santa Claus arriving in his sleigh and he was greeted by the Mayor and shown to the Santa’s Grotto in the Town Hall. The Churnet Sound Radio Team during the countdown were live on air.
Long queues of children waited to see Santa but the Biddulph Local Peoples Project supplied hot chocolate drinks etc., and sweets were given out to them also The St Lawrence’s Church Choir were in the main hall singing Christmas songs to keep them entertained as well while they waited for Santa to see them.
We would like to thank all the people who work behind the scenes who made this event such a great event.
Please see below some pictures from the evening:-