Biddulph planning documents adopted by Council

The Neighbourhood Plan and Neighbourhood Development Order for Biddulph have now been ‘made’ – formally adopted – by Staffordshire Moorlands District Council and form part of the development plans used to determine planning applications in the town.
The documents have been developed by the Town Council, with support from the District Council, and input from local residents and businesses, community groups and statutory consultees.
The Neighbourhood Plan includes policies covering business, enterprise and tourism development, Biddulph town centre, Albion Mill conversion, new and existing community facilities, natural environment features, urban edge, local green space, Biddulph Valley Way, protection of view of local importance, housing, infill housing, critical road junctions, sustainable drainage design, public realm, car parking, and movement.
The Neighbourhood Development Order grants planning permission for replacement shop fronts, in accordance with the parameters set out in the Order, within a defined town centre boundary area.
Neighbourhood Plans are subject to two rounds of public consultation, independent examination and a referendum before they can be adopted. The referendum in Biddulph took place on 7 December last year when over half of those who voted agreed to the Plan being used to determine planning applications.
Councillor Darren Price, Deputy Leader and Cabinet member for Regeneration and Planning at the District Council, said: “We know local people are very interested in how their communities and neighbourhoods develop and Neighbourhood Plans play an important role in giving local residents a voice in shaping that development by focusing on local issues.
“Following the referendum at the end of last year, we at the District Council have now formally adopted the Neighbourhood Plan and the Development Order which means they will be taken into consideration when determining planning applications in the areas they cover.
“A great deal of work goes into developing these locally focused document so I’m sure everyone who participated in developing them, and in consultations and the referendum, will be pleased that they are now officially part of the development plan for the Staffordshire Moorlands.”
You can view the documents on the District Council website or see a paper copy at Biddulph Town Hall during normal office hours.