Bins, waste and recycling

For help with waste collection in Cheshire East, you can find everything you need to know online. Here you can also find tips on reducing your household waste, and more about our street cleansing and flytipping policies.
Recycling and bin collections help
Check your bin collection date on this section of our website, or find out what waste goes where, here.
Household waste recycling centres
You can find your local household waste recycling centre, and learn more about our household waste permit scheme.
Collections over the festive period
This Christmas time, you can stay updated with the changes to Cheshire East bin collections over the festive period. If you are having difficulty moving your bins, you can also apply for an assisted bin collection.
Keep up to date with information about bin collections by following @CheshireEast on Twitter, or by downloading the ‘Waste Watchers’ app on your mobile device.