Cheadle announces new Town Councillors
Cheadle Town Council full Council meeting on Wednesday (23rd June) saw Councillors vote to Co-Opt for the four vacancies held by the Town Council. The advertisements drew significant interest and the standard of applications was very high.
Town clerk, Mr. Dave Mullington said "It is encouraging that we continue to have those who willing to give their own time and make a positive contribution to the town. On behalf of the Council, I would like to thank all those who put themselves forward. The successful Candidates will take up their new role with immediate effect, and will serve the Community in both the South East and North East Wards.”

Left to right Elizabeth Haines (Cheadle South East), Sue Walley (Mayor), Mark Staton (Cheadle South East)and Dennis Wilson (Cheadle North East).The other successful Candidate, Stephen Haines (Cheadle North East), is not pictured.