Congleton pride advertisements damaged again
The Congleton Pride team is disappointed to report that a banner advertising Congleton Pride has been damaged.
The banner was placed on railings beside the roundabout at Aldi in the centre of Congleton. Pride team members visited the site to secure the banner at 5:45pm on Wednesday. By 6:15pm the banner had been torn down.
Another banner on the A34 near to he ambulance station was also tampered with.
It comes after one was removed by the New life church which was displayed near to the church
Ronan Clayton, Chair of Congleton Pride, said “This is very hurtful for local LGBTQI+ people and it shows how necessary the Pride movement is. When a different banner was taken down earlier in the week, we received a lot of messages of love and support from the people of Congleton. It is obvious that whoever has done this is in a small minority and we are determined that the haters will not win. Our Pride team will continue to stand up for everyone’s right to be who they are and love who they love. We are looking forward to a fantastic event on 21st August.”
Congleton Pride has reported this incident to the Police and appeals to anyone who may have seen what happened or has any information to get in touch with the Police or call Congleton Pride on 07855 798014.