A scheme which provides a discount on council tax for war widows and widowers living in Newcastle is set to continue.
The Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council scheme provides a £10 discount per week on council tax and housing benefits for eligible residents.
The discount is part of a wider support package for members of the armed forces community and is set to be agreed at Cabinet on 6th February.
Cllr Stephen Sweeney, Deputy Leader of Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council and Cabinet member for Finance, Town Centres and Growth, said: “Supporting those who served in the armed forces and their families is a priority for the council.
“Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to bring a loved one back and no amount of money will change that.
“However, there are some things as a council we can do to help alleviate financial stress and we hope the additional council tax and housing benefit credit will help.”
He added: “The Borough and many of its residents have a long connection with the military.
“We will continue to work with partner agencies and local charities to support our armed forces community, to help explain what they do, the significant role they play, and to recognise the valuable skills and experience they bring to the borough.”
Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council first signed the Armed Forces Covenant in 2012, re-signing it in February 2023. The Covenant is a promise by the nation to ensure that those who serve in the Forces, and their families, are treated fairly.
Further information on the support available to armed forces communities is available here.