Free course to help keep mature drivers safer

A free course to help keep mature drivers safer on the roads for longer is being made available to drivers in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.
As part of the ‘Safe & Sure – on the road’ campaign, the Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership are offering a limited number of free places on an IAM RoadSmart Mature Driver Review.
The 1-hour session with a qualified expert provides mature drivers with the opportunity to review their current driving ability and boost their confidence. At the end of the review, the driver will receive guidance on how to continue driving safely.
A social media campaign has also been sharing tips on how to stay safe & sure, along with advice for when people’s driving abilities and habits change.
Speaking on behalf of the Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership, Helen Fisher, Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner said: “This is an important campaign for the partnership and we’re pleased to see that people are taking up the course.
“We know that when we get older our eyesight and hearing may not be as sharp as they were and it can be harder to judge speed and distance. This can make driving more difficult and less enjoyable for some people but with some simple tips we can help mature drivers continue to be safe and confident on the roads.
“For many mature drivers, being able to drive provides real independence and I would urge people to sign up for the course and enjoy many more years of safe driving.”
This course can be booked directly with the IAM by calling 0300 303 1134 and using the code Staffordshire Scheme. The free places are offered on a first-come/first-serve basis, to residents of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. For more information on the course, please visit Advanced driving and riding courses | IAM RoadSmart.