A competition winner can save half of next year’s council tax in a new drive to promote online council services.
Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council is encouraging residents to ‘Go Digital’ and use its online services wherever possible.
Anyone signing up to create an online account with the authority before 11th February is eligible – and the runner-up will win a year’s membership at the J2 leisure centre.
Stephen Sweeney, Deputy Leader of Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council and Cabinet member for Finance, Town Centres and Growth, said: “Thousands of residents are already using our services digitally and we want to encourage more people to follow that route.
“By going online people will receive their bills faster than by post and have better accessibility to all our services, while using less paper helps reduce the council’s carbon footprint and saves money.”
While the council is encouraging more people to go digital, nobody has to.
Cllr Sweeney added: “I understand some residents aren’t comfortable with technology and they shouldn’t worry.
“We still provide dedicated support via our phone lines and we do have self-serve computers, where we can support people using them.
“And if you are on a direct debit this will be automatically updated and you won’t need to anything more.”
More information about the competition – and signing up for an account – is available here: Go digital and win half your Council Tax bill paid for a year – Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council (newcastle-staffs.gov.uk)