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Karen Bradley MP Column 20.11.23

We are so lucky to have so many beautiful and tranquil spots on our doorstep here in the Moorlands, and this week, as part of my Year of Reasons initiative, I am delighted to be focusing on another of these - Consall Woods.

Consall Woods is a wonderful place, and any nature lovers or bird enthusiasts out there will find it hard to leave. Nestled in a valley with the River Churnet flowing through the middle, this once industrial area is now haven for all sorts of plants, trees and wildlife – including an incredible array of wild mushroomswhich the eagle eyed amongst us may be able to spot.

After taking the reserve on just before the pandemic hit, the brilliant Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) team have been diligently managing the area to ensure that wildlife continues to thrive. A huge variety of woodland and wetland birds can be found here, and it is impressive how after just a few years of RSPB management there has been a huge increase in the numbers of rare Pied Flycatchers that make Consall their home during the summer months.

The woods stretch over 479 acres in total and contain a fantastic mixture of mature woodland, wood pasture and pools. The area can be easily explored by following one of the many circular trials which start at the car park and vary by length and difficulty – all of which offer visitors the chance to take in the manysights and sounds the woods have to offer.

I will be posting pictures from my recent visit on my social media pages throughout this week and I would encourage everyone to go and see for themselves the fantastic work the RSPB are doing. Consall Woods – a greatReason to Visit the Moorlands!

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