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Karen Bradley MP - Update 21 March 2022

I am always proud of the community spirit that we have here in the Moorlands and I was pleased to take part in a ceremony recently in Caverswall to remember all those affected by Coronavirus. I joined local Councillors, the vicar of St Peter’s and representatives from the emergency services as Alex, a young resident from Caverswall planted a walnut tree to remember those we lost and to recognise the commitment and hard work of all the key workers during the pandemic.

I was also delighted to return to the Werrington Community Library and Wellbeing Centre to meet members of the Werrington Community Volunteers Group. I have been involved with the group since the library was saved from closure in 2016 and taken over by this wonderful team of volunteers. It is a pleasure to see how it has gone from strength to strength, with more facilities and services added, and a thriving membership.

I always enjoy visiting the library and receiving an update on the work the volunteers have been doing, and I never fail to leave impressed by their hard work and commitment.

Since my last visit, the library has installed a new kitchen and storage area and it was great to hear how well the specially designed Garden Therapy Lodges have been received. The weeks ahead are packed with activities, from Baby Yoga to Knit and Natter sessions, and the Werrington Wasps teams that play on Werrington Primary School’s adjoining sport field will soon be back in action after their winter break, with the addition of a new walking football team for those aged over 45.

Werrington Community Volunteers group have lots more exciting plans for the library and are looking for more volunteers so if you would like to get involved, please do contact the library.


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