Large fire in Sandbach
Cheshire fire and rescue service have today been dealing with a large fire in a 3 storey building on Sunnymill Drive in Sandbach.
Seven fire engines attended, including one from Sandbach, two from Crewe, one from Middlewich, one from Lymm, one from Congleton and one from Holmes Chapel. Along with an aerial appliance from Lymm.
Shortly before 11am firefighters were called to reports of a building fire on Sunnymill Drive, Sandbach.
Firefighters attended the scene and on arrival at the scene they found a fire in a first floor flat in a three storey building.
Seven fire engines are in attendance at the scene and a full evacuation of the building took place.
Firefighters, wearing breathing apparatus, used two hose reel jets to tackle the fire from within the the building. The crews also used an aerial platform to tackle the fire from outside the building.
Middlewich Road is currently closed as a result of the incident and motorists are advised to avoid the area.
Nearby residents are asked to keep their windows and doors closed.
There are no reports of any serious injuries although one person was treated for smoke inhalation at the scene.
There was a further update at 1pm
Firefighters remain in attendance at the scene and Middlewich Road is still closed at this time.
The main fire has been extinguished, but crews are currently removing plasterboard to see if the fire has spread to the timber frame of the building.
Firefighters are also checking the loft area and using a thermal imaging camera to check for any hotspots.
and an Update at 3pm
The incident has now been reduced to three pumps and crews from Crewe, Middlewich and Congleton remain in attendance at the scene.
Firefighters are no longer using breathing apparatus and investigation work into the cause of the fire is currently underway.
Middlewich Road has now re-opened.