Leek town council looks forward to Queens platinum jubilee

Leek town Council has set up a webpage to coordinate community celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum anniversary in June 2022.
Looking forward to the summer of next year, by which time its hope that the the COVID pandemic will have been vanquished, Leek Town Council has set up a website page to help coordinate community plans for marking the Queen’s 70 years Platinum Jubilee over the bank holiday weekend, from Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th June 2022. “We are asking all community group organisers to get in touch and register their events, even if just general intentions at the moment, explains Events Committee Chair, Matt Swindlehurst. The information will be used to map venues, share resources and ultimately put forward a coordinated programme of events covering each of the four days of the Jubilee celebrations.” An online registration form has been set up on the Leek Website, see ‘What’s On’ page and click on the tab https://leektowncouncil.gov.uk/platinum-jubilee-weekend-2022/