Man jailed after repeatedly stabbing victim in the neck

A man who repeatedly stabbed a man in the neck has been jailed. Wayne Lewis, 42, from Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent, was given a 23-year extended sentence at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court on Monday (16 October) after he admitted attempted murder.
The court heard how officers were sent to Lomas Street, Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent, on 17 May 2022 after a stabbing was reported to the force.
Lewis, who was inside the address with the victim at the time, took a weapon and repeatedly stabbed the victim in the neck.
The victim barricaded himself into a locked room in an attempt to get away from Lewis but continued to be stabbed through a hole in the door after collapsing. A few days prior to the offence, Lewis had told the victim how he wanted to stab someone in the neck, however the victim thought this to be a joke.
The victim, a man in his 40s, had three puncture wounds to the neck, lacerations to his neck, partial severing of the ear and puncture wounds to his legs. He was taken by paramedics to hospital and needed surgery for his injuries.
Lewis admitted to the offence at an earlier court hearing on 14 November 2022.
Detective Constable Emma Holloway, from CID North who dealt with the case, said: “Lewis maliciously attacked the victim in a violent and sustained manner.
“I’m happy that his actions have been met with the right consequences and we have been able to provide the victim with the appropriate means of justice.
“These types of crimes have a profound impact on victims – both physically and mentally – and we will take all of the necessary steps to put those responsible before the courts.
"Serious violence like this will never be tolerated and we will continue to do all we can to secure justice and support those affected by it."