New Crib Under Macclesfield Town Council Christmas Tree

To ensure the future of a popular local Christmas tradition Macclesfield Cateniansand Macclesfield Churches have this year replaced the crib under the tree in Macclesfield town centre.
Christmas in Macclesfield starts when the large 35ft Christmas tree gets put up towards the end of November. As in previous years it is decorated with stars upon which are messages of love written by people of the town who have lost friends and family. Around the tree are railings painstakingly painted by the Macclesfield Town Ranger team, and panels created and painted by Grow Macclesfield.
But pride of place under the tree, is the crib and the nativity scene. Even those who are not religious associate the manger in the stable with Christmas, and we all remember singing carols such as Away in a Manger at school.
The crib under the tree dates back to 1959, when John Noden, Headteacher of St Alban's Prinary School, was president of the Macclesfield Circle of CatenianAssociation. He proposed the idea to Macclesfield Borough Council and the crib was unveiled at the lighting up of the Christmas tree on the 18th December that year.
The crib has appeared every year since with some changes and repairs along the way. One notable innovation started in 2006. In that year, when the figures were in need of replacement, attention was focused by UK National Church leaders on the plight of Bethlehem Christians there “who suffer terrible economic hardship and daily anxiety about their homes and their security.” In January 2007 the Catenians linked with Macclesfield Churches to support traders in Bethlehem. Jenny and Tim Kendal, of St. James’ Church, Sutton, who went on pilgrimage to the Holy Land and whilst there arranged the purchase of beautiful figures.
In recent years it has become apparent that to ensure a viable display the crib needed to be replaced so the Macclesfield Catenians made the decision to replace it with a robust new structure to meet the need for easy installation and to improve visibility. The replacement of the crib will ensure the future of a part of Macclesfield life which has for many years proclaimed the true meaning of Christmas.
The Macclesfield crib started as a Catenian gift to the town but has become over the years a collaborative venture involving Macclesfield Town Council and the Macclesfield Churches of HOPE. It is hoped that the funding of the replacement will reflect the support which the crib enjoys among the Churches and the wider community.