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New planning document urges developers to consider good housing mix in new schemes

Affordable housing, accommodation for the elderly and climate change are among the key features of the final draft of Cheshire East Council’s housing supplementary planning document.

The draft is now available for comments from residents and all interested parties, prior to its adoption. It provides more guidance on three policies within the Local Plan Strategy, which sets out the overall vision and planning framework for development in the borough.

The policies refer to the ‘residential mix’ of developments. These are intended to ensure t supported housing and accommodation for the elderly is available and that there continues to be the right provision for affordable homes, including in rural areas.

Climate change should also be considered when submitting a planning application, says the planning guide. Design, layout, low greenhouse gas emissions and strong energy ratings should all figure prominently in any new scheme.

Councillor Mick Warren, Cheshire East Council’s chair of environment and communities, said: “While the supplementary planning document (SPD) is not part of our statutory development plan, it is a recognised way of introducing additional planning guidance, which should be taken into account when determining a planning application, or an appeal against a planning decision.”

The final draft housing SPD is accompanied by a report summarising the responses received during an earlier consultation and explains how they have been taken into account in preparing the final document.

Cllr Warren added: “By providing clear guidance up front about our policy expectations, we wish to support developers and property owners when making relevant planning applications, as well as support the council in determining these applications.”

Comments can also be posted to Strategic Planning (Westfields), c/o Municipal Buildings, Earle Street, Crewe CW1 2BJ.

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