Staffordshire foster carer with 40 years service recognised at special awards

More than 40 Staffordshire foster carers have been recognised at a special celebration event including Jeanette McInnes who has been a foster carer for 40 years.
Speaking after receiving her award, Jeanette said: “Over the 40 years I’ve been fostering, I have fostered over 70 children.
“Each child I’ve cared for has been different and I have thoroughly enjoyed making a difference to their lives. Being a foster carer is not always easy but it’s really rewarding when they come back to see you years later and you can see the difference you have made. Becoming a foster carer was the best decision I ever made and after 40 years I’ve no plans to give up just yet”.
The families received their long service awards from members of the Staffordshire Corporate Parenting Panel at the event in County Buildings in Stafford on Sunday 25 June. A total of 651 years of fostering experience was celebrated.
Staffordshire County Councillor, Mark Sutton, Cabinet member for Children and Young People said: “It’s great to celebrate with our foster carers who play an invaluable role in providing a secure and loving home and family to many of our children in care.
“Some of our foster families have been fostering for many years and the long service awards set to recognise their work. I would like to thank all our foster carers personally for the wonderful work that they do. Without their support, many of these children would not get the second chance of a fulfilling life that they deserve.
“The carers I spoke to told me that fostering is a hugely rewarding and satisfying thing to do and for many of them was one of the best moves they’ve ever made for themselves and their family. We are always looking for foster carers so I would encourage anyone who thinks they could make a difference to contact us.”
The service, which is rated as ‘Good’ by Ofsted has opportunities for many types of foster carer. These include, short break fostering, disability fostering, short-term and long-term fostering.
The service hopes to recruit 60 more families over the next year.
Anyone interested in finding out more about fostering with Staffordshire County Council can visit Foster for Staffordshire or call 0800 169 2061.