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Still time to have your say on Cheadle regeneration

With the first stage of the consultation on Cheadle’s future still open, the Council is reassuring residents, businesses and visitors that no-one has missed the chance to have their say.

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council has extended the initial period for people to share their views on the emerging priorities for the regeneration of the town by three weeks to Friday 24 September to allow people sufficient time to respond.

And planning is already underway for the next stages of the conversation – including some in-person events – this autumn.

Leader of the Council, Councillor Sybil Ralphs, said: “We know there is an enormous amount of interest in Cheadle’s future development and I want to reassure everybody that there are plenty of opportunities for people to share their views and have their say.

“We’ve started that conversation now with this first phase of the discussions but this is very much just the beginning and we are planning lots more engagement - including some in-person events where people will be able to come along and speak to councillors and officers about the project.

“I want to be clear that no-one has missed the chance to get involved. We’ve extended the deadline for responses to the first part of the consultation and I hope that this, together with the further information gathering events planned for the autumn, will reassure people that we are genuinely interested in hearing from all sectors of the communities – and that we are listening.”

The initial newsletter and survey are available on the Council’s website, from Cheadle Library or by emailing to request a copy. Completed surveys can be submitted online via the website, dropped off at Cheadle Library or Moorlands House in Leek, or returned to the postal address on the newsletter.

Councillor Ian Plant, Chair of the Stakeholder Panel, said: “This is a once in a generation chance for us to work together to help shape the future of our town. We are committed to seeking the opinions of as many individuals, groups, businesses, clubs and organisations as we can and I’d like to thank those that have taken the time to complete the survey.

“We’re using the extended deadline to work with schools and young people to make sure we are hearing from all parts of the community and all age groups.

“We’ll be updating people on the feedback from this stage of the consultation in the coming weeks and confirming the arrangements for the next steps and events. If you are yet to get involved, there is still time to do so both now and in the weeks to come.”

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