Student officers pick Staffordshire Police to start career

A new cohort of graduates have chosen to start their careers with us after passing their policing degrees.
The group of five are the latest to complete the Degree in Professional Policing (DiPP), where graduates can choose to work for any police force in the UK.
For PC Hannah Sheldon and her colleagues – Staffordshire was their first choice.
The group were the first officers in Staffordshire to swear their oath to the King on 22 September and are part of the latest intake of student officers from both the DiPP and the Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship Programme (PCDA).
They studied their three-year-long degree at Staffordshire, Wolverhampton, Derby and Durham Universities and are now ready to take to the beat and serve our community.
PC Sheldon was born in Staffordshire and has lived here ever since. She recalled wanting to join the police from an early age after seeing officers in her local community making sure people were safe.
“I always felt a sense of community growing up here,” she said.
“It’s sounds a little cliché but I’ve always wanted to help people and give back to the place I came from.
“People call the emergency services in their time of need and becoming an officer means that I can give people support when they need it most.
“When I was growing up, local PCSOs and officers were always giving assemblies in school and meeting people in the street.
“It’s something which I knew I wanted to do and I’m really proud to have started with the force and made this a reality.”
PC Sheldon was able to achieve her ambition by enrolling through the DiPP at Staffordshire University. She studied policing and law comprehensively for three years, covering topics like investigation, research, local policing and psychology ahead of her first day last month.
Unlike the PCDA route, PC Sheldon is now able to hone her practical skills full-time after completing her academic course.
She said: “Since I started, my colleagues have gone above and beyond to support me in my transition from a student to an officer.
“The encouragement has been fantastic and it’s been really flattering to see so many different officers imparting their knowledge and experience. I’d definitely recommend the DiPP to anyone like me who wants to become a police officer.
“Now I’m just focussed on doing the best job I possibly can and making sure our communities are protected in Staffordshire.”
Paul Sims, Professional Development Unit Manager, said: “We’re delighted to be the first force in our region and one of the first in the country to welcome DiPP students, which is the final entry route under the PEQF programme.
“This route is different to PCDA or DHEP as once the student officers have finished their in-force and PDU training, they do not have to complete any academic modules or assignments and will remain on shift for the duration of their probation, meaning less abstractions.
“It speaks highly for our force that these officers have chosen Staffordshire to commence their policing careers and I’m sure the support Hannah and her colleagues have already experienced will be extended to the workplace as has been enjoyed by all of our PEQF students.”
Staffordshire Police are currently recruiting for a number of roles. To find out more, visit our careers’ page: Home | Staffordshire Police