Town Expeditions- Congleton Museum

From 24th July 2024 Embark on your Town Expeditions this summer at Congleton Museum with their free family friendly festival. Comprising 4 new trails, 9 unique challenges and 2 bespoke events – you’re not going to want to miss this. This is the museum’s biggest event of the year! Partners – Congleton Bath House and Physic Garden and Sergey Kamenskiy. £400 funding received from the Margeret Williamson Memorial Fund for trails, £460 received from Congleton Town Council for reward scheme (Heritage Passport sticker book and stickers).
All activities have been created by young people on work experience placements, museum professional and volunteer Sergey Kamenskiy, and museum staff member Anna Maluk. Trails and Heritage Passport sticker book available to collect from Congleton Museum only during opening hours from the 24th July. More information on the trails and challenges is available on the
museum’s website.
History and Archaeology
Focused on Congleton Museum and its archaeological collection from the pre-historic period to the Medieval period – this trail is perfect for families eager to explore the rich past of our charming town. Embark on a journey through time as you uncover fascinating stories, from ancient coins to multi-functional toothpicks!
Architecture and Planning
This engaging trail invites you to explore the architectural wonders and urban planning highlights of Congleton town. As you journey through the designated route, you’ll encounter parts of the town you’ve never considered before and fun activities designed to educate and entertain visitors of all ages. From Georgian architecture to modern masterpieces, the trail offers a unique opportunity to learn about the evolution of our town’s-built environment.
Art and Design
Art can come in all shapes, sizes and forms. This trail delves into the artistic features that are woven into
Congleton’s identity. We bet you stumble across things you’ve never seen before!
Nature and Vegetation
Step into an enchanting adventure with our Nature and Vegetation Trail, a magical experience brought to you in partnership with Congleton Museum and the Congleton Bath House and Physic Garden. Wander through the whimsical Physic Garden, where nature’s wonders await at every turn. This themed
trail combines the beauty of the garden with captivating tales and activities that will delight the entire family. Discover the secrets of plants and wildlife in a setting that feels like a fairy tale come to life!
What Plants Grow Here?
A search and find activity to do at home or local green space
Draw Your House
A drawing activity to do at home
Discover the Beauty of Congleton
A Padlet based activity on the museum’s website
Who Sings and Who Crawls?
A search and find activity to do at home or local green space
How does the town work?
A Padlet based activity on the museum’s website
Family Stories – Toys and Childhood in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s.
A family activity to do at home
Ultimate Explorers – Three Walking Routes
A walking challenge
Write Your Own Story
Write your own Congleton themed story at home
Join Congleton Creative Community!
A social group for young artists
Art in the Garden
Community of Culture