Town Mayor’s annual Civic Service and Parade
A Civic Service to welcome Congleton’s new Mayor, Cllr Margaret Gartside, will take place on Sunday 19 June 2022 at 2.30pm. Dignitaries, guests and anyone taking part in the parade will assemble at the rear of the Town Hall at 2pm and leave promptly at 2.15pm. The service will be held at St.Peter’s Church, Chapel Street, commencing at 2.30pm and will be conducted Rev Ian Endicott joined by the Mayor’s Chaplain, Rev Anne Marie Naylor of Astbury Church.
Cllr Margaret Gartside, said “I extend a warm welcome to all residents, local groups and organisations to attend the civic event. Everyone is invited to march in the parade and come into church for the hour service. Those not wishing to take part in the parade are welcome to proceed directly to the church before 2.20pm. Or people can line the streets to watch the parade led by Rode Hall Silver Band pass by.”
Cllr Gartside was elected mayor of Congleton during a Mayor Making ceremony at the Annual Council Meeting on Thursday 12 May in the Town Hall. Cllr Gartside has been appointed to the position for the coming year until May 2023. The mayor chose Kati-Leigh Newson of the Air Training Corps (ATC) 230 Congleton Squadron to be her cadet. The Mayor will raise funds for various local charities during her time in office.