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Town Mayor’s Annual Civic Service and Parade

Churnet sound news

A Civic Service to welcome Congleton’s newly elected Town Mayor, Cllr Rob Moreton, will take place on Sunday 2 July 2023. The parade will assemble at the rear of the Town Hall at 2.30pm and leave promptly at 2.45pm. The service will be held at St.Peter’s Church, Chapel Street, commencing at 3pm and will be conducted Rev Ian Endicott and the Mayor’s Chaplain, Steve Hodgkinson of New Life Church.

Cllr Moreton, said “Congleton born and bred, it’s my absolute honour and privilege to serve as town mayor. I’m hoping for a good turnout from the community to officially mark the beginning of my mayoral year. I extend a warm welcome to all residents, uniformed groups, clubs and organisations totake part. Everyone is invited to march in the parade and come into church for the hour service. Those not wishing to take part in the parade are welcome to proceed directly to the church before 2.50pm.Or people can line the streets to watch the parade led by Rode Hall Silver Band. Members of Congleton Choral Society have been invited to sing for the congregation.”

The town council kindly ask that any groups planning to participate in the parade confirm their attendance via email:

Cllr Moreton has been appointed to the position for the coming year until May 2024. The mayor will be supported by his civic team comprising – his wife Helen as Mayoress, Steve Hodgkinson, Mayor’sChaplain and Mayor’s Cadet, Amelia Downing from the Congleton West Rangers. Cllr Kay Wesley will serve as Deputy Mayor. The mayor’s chosen charities will be Vale Juniors Kickabout and Visyon.

The town mayor said: “It gives me massive pleasure in announcing the new initiative set up by Vale Juniors FC as one of my mayoral charities. Kickabout gives an opportunity for children of all ages to attend weekly football sessions free of charge. They currently have over 60 children attending twice a week and have a large waiting list, this is something dear to my heart and is a fantastic way for children not affiliated to a football club to have fun in a controlled environment. Regardless of ability, everyone should have a chance to play football and other sports. My other charity this year is Visyon, who offer counselling services to our younger residents. Our children need access to these services more than ever with all the pressures of life put on their young shoulders. I can’t wait to get fundraising to help support these two amazing local causes.”

The town mayor and mayoress have already hit the ground running attending several engagements, with a busy diary ahead. To invite the mayor to your special event or community occasion email:

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