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UHNM clinicians deliver ultrasound teaching day to Keele University medical students

Clinicians from University Hospitals of North Midlands have delivered their first ultrasound teaching day for Keele University medical students.

Dr Bridget Riley, UHNM Specialist Registrar in Acute medicine and Intensive Care Medicine and Tony Parlato, UHNM Advanced Critical Care Practitioner, organised the point of care ultrasound teaching day to prepare year five students with the skills they will need when they begin their careers as junior doctors.

The classroom based programme, led by Dr Ram Matsa, included interactive lectures, the important skills of ultrasound, the assessment of the vascular structures, IV canulation and abdominal ultrasound including urinary bladder volume assessment.

Students followed workshop-based learning on live scanning, used simulation models and were provided with a handheld ultrasound device.

Dr Bridget Riley, said: “We were delighted with how the first ultrasound teaching day has gone. The enthusiasm and engagement of the medical students was wonderful. The combination of theory and hands-on practice worked well and we have received some very encouraging feedback from the students so far.

“We hope these skills will help them as they begin their careers as junior doctors this summer. Point of care ultrasound is an exciting and rapidly growing tool which we are thrilled to be able to share with the medical students.”

Additional pilot sessions are planned over the next two months with a large group of students benefitting from this form of education, followed by an assessment to assess the quality of the training and also to assess the learning outcome for the medical students.

Professor Fidelma O'Mahony, UHNM Hospital Dean for Keele Medical School, said: “Congratulations to Dr Matsa and the team. This was a really successful day, proving that Keele and UHNM are leading innovation in medical education ensuring that our graduates are prepared for the technological challenges of working in the modern NHS.”

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