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£80 fine issued and could be first of many..

Earlier today Cheshire Police joined one of Cheshire East Community Enforcement Officers at an address in Congleton. At the address an £80 Fixed Penalty Notice was issued to one of the people who resides there in relation to Waste Crime at Dane-in-Shaw pastures which is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

Following the issuing of the ticket the officer and the enforcement officer went along to Dane-In-Shaw Pasture where they spoke to the local Ranger about getting the wider community to help look after the special site. They had some thoughts including events where people can learn more about why it's such an important site.

Sergeant Simpson said "You may be wondering why we would post about one ticket being issued? Well it's a start (first of many?) and we have to use the powers available to us"

"I'm hoping that the person involved will have the conversation with their friends and this will reduce the issues".

"The reason I attended, was to support our partners who play a massive part in policing our countryside. Again, we are committed to help play our part in protecting this site along with many other ones across the county."

"We've also attended at Sutton Reservoir today too which has seen some pretty bad Anti Social Behaviour and littering of late. No one present when we went for the recce, ready for us to attend again later."

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