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GPs practices working flat out to deliver vaccines, so please understand if some appts are delayed

GP practices throughout Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent are working hard to accelerate delivery of COIVD-19 vaccinations. From Wednesday (December 15) everybody aged 18 and over who is eligible will also be able to get their booster shot, with the aim of offering anyone who is eligible their booster by the end of December. That is the best way of fighting the new Omicron variant. But it does mean that practices will have to divert more time and resources towards vaccinations. Dr Paddy Hannigan talks about how primary care is putting extra resources into vaccination

Dr Paddy Hannigan, a GP and Clinical Lead for the Vaccination Programme in Staffordshire said: “It is a national priority to ramp up the vaccination programme as we know the new variant is extremely transmissible. “Most of this effort if coming from staff at your GP surgery, even if the vaccines aren’t being delivered in the surgery itself. “This means some practices will have to delay some non-urgent appointments but only where it is clinically safe to do so. But we know patients understand and will work with staff in these instances. “The best way for things to get back to the way we want them to be is to get protected against COVID-19 by getting vaccinated as soon as you are eligible.” Vaccine capacity is being increased with more Walk-In Clinics and appointments being made available. Appointments for vaccines can be booked online through the National Booking System by visiting, or by calling 119. People should not contact their GP surgery about making vaccine appointments. Up-to-date details and times for all other Staffordshire COVID-19 vaccination walk-in clinics can be found at

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